DATES: 16th – 26th May
The aim of the forums is to develop the ideas further in collaboration with as many as possible; the focus on those that may have barriers via disabilities; whether lifelong, developed and progressed over time, temporary – the aim is for inclusion; developing a thriving community on the isle of wight. We wish this to be the best place to live, work & enjoy.
Objectives of the inclusive island project:
- To develop an open door hub & a central resource to collate resources.
- For those with “barriers” to aid quality of life, work, education, training, and skills for those who wish to engage. No age limit. Temporary, progressive to lifelong.
- Look at kitemark for IOW with the disability confident scheme as preference.
The forums are centred around areas to discuss. You can select a forum that you feel you have the most affinity and experience.
Please contact Marnie for more details on